Why Does an Entrepreneur That Sold His Business for $340M Shoot His Wife and Kill Himself?

I was shocked when I read this news item on Friday:

“The 46-year-old man found dead in an Eagle house on Thursday morning was identified by the Ada County Coroner’s Office as Matthew Rissell, the former CEO of Idaho-based tech company TSheets. Late Thursday afternoon, the Ada County Sheriff’s Office said in a news release […]

By |May 7th, 2023|Entrepreneur, Small Business|Comments Off on Why Does an Entrepreneur That Sold His Business for $340M Shoot His Wife and Kill Himself?

Forget About a New Year’s Resolution- Pick A Nudge Word Instead

It’s the time of year that many people make specific New Year’s Resolutions for their personal lives or their small business. I made them in the past but now I really don’t think they are effective.

An article by Tara Parker- Pope in the Washington Post suggested an alternative approach. She says to pick […]

By |January 3rd, 2023|Leadership and Management, Small Business|Comments Off on Forget About a New Year’s Resolution- Pick A Nudge Word Instead

My Small Business Predictions for 2023: Cloudy with Isolated Thunderstorms

As I look forward to what I predict for 2023, I need to first look back. 2022 was a very strange year for small business predictions.

It’s the year we turned perhaps the corner on COVID but then went head first into higher inflation and war in Ukraine. While I got some of my small business […]

By |December 27th, 2022|Small Business|Comments Off on My Small Business Predictions for 2023: Cloudy with Isolated Thunderstorms