This is a contributed post.

Making sure employees are happy at work should be a key consideration for any business. Major companies invest big money in employee retention, and for good reason. Losing key employees is extremely disruptive and expensive, so making sure your people are happy at work is very important.

There are many simple ways in which you can help improve your employees’ job satisfaction and keep them happy in their work. They don’t have to blow the budget, but making small investments in your team can go a long way.

Here are five tips to keep your employees happy at work.

Build a Positive Office Environment

Employees spend a huge amount of their lives at the office, so you’ve got to try to make it a pleasant environment for them.

A great tip is to seek out feedback from your current and even past employees to see what changes can be made. You could look at examples like Primerica reviews where employees have shared the pros and cons of working for the company. This is a great way to find out what you could be doing to make a positive change in the office environment, and anywhere else in your business. 

Sometimes it might mean looking at cosmetic changes. If your offices are all white walls and dingy lighting, then it’s going to be difficult for employees to get excited about work. Try and spruce up the environment by improving lighting, adding some greenery, and making it a place you would want to spend time.

You can also improve the office environment by encouraging team bonding through different initiatives. This will build cohesion and help make the office a more friendly place to work.

Be Creative with Benefits

 Benefits come in all shapes and sizes and they don’t have to be huge to make a difference to your employees’ lives. For example, small things like free fruit in the canteen can go a long way.

There are tons of different ideas you can use, but here are some fun ones:

  • Lunchtime yoga classes
  • Casual Fridays
  • Beer on tap after work
  • Subsidized lunches
  • Free childcare

Whatever your budget, you can find benefits that will make a big difference to your employees, so be creative with it.

Work – Life Balance

If you’re going to have happy employees, then it can’t be all work and no play. Everyone has a life outside of work, and they need to find the right balance between that life and time spent at work.

One of the ways that you can help make managing the work-life balance easier is by allowing employees to work remotely when possible. You will find productivity can increase, and the benefits to your employee’s lives can be considerable. Work-life balance is essential to make sure that your team is healthy and well. This includes space to talk about mental health – which is vital in the current global climate. You can make these provisions in the workplace with a little understanding of the services available, like chaplain vs pastor and how they can help. The support you offer to your employees to have a healthy work-life balance will make a long-term difference to them. 


Clear communication makes everyone’s life easier. If your business is disorganized and communicates poorly, then it’s going to affect your employees’ happiness.

Make sure you’re using the right technology for payroll software to ensure that your employees are being taken care of and communication is flowing smoothly. When simple things like payment start breaking down because of poor communication, that’s when big problems start to occur.


Reward people when they do a good job, even if it’s just by saying “thank you.” The people who work for you want to feel like they’re working towards a common goal, and when they’re achievements go unrewarded, it makes them wonder what they’re doing it for.

Find ways of recognizing and rewarding employees who do great work and make a big thing about it.

This is a contributed post.