With over 40 years in business, I have been around a lot of leaders and people who claimed they were leaders- but what I found out later was they were just really good showman. They were not in it for the customer or for me as an employee, but only for themselves.

Showmanship is the ability to attract attention and engage an audience. Think PT Barnum. Think Pippin.

Showmen have charisma and prioritize immediate impact on what they say and do in front of an audience. They create memorable experiences through pictures or slogans and that leave a strong impression. They maybe not even believe in what they are saying; they say what the audience wants to hear. It’s just a means to an end to get engagement and followers.

Showmen in business that I have come across were inspirational in front of the company or a small group but were not as good one on one. They have no detailed company goals or they are constantly shifting. They are about themselves and typically their personal financial gain. They crave power. Helping  customers or their employees does not fit into their personal equation.

Leadership is the ability to guide and inspire others toward achieving specific goals or visions that benefit others. Think Nelson Mandela.

Leaders focus on the development and growth of their team. They prioritize long-term goals and strategic thinking. When they communicate, it’s about integrity, strategic planning, and long term decision-making.

Leaders mentor their employees, sets clear goals, and fosters a collaborative work environment. They do not put themselves first.

People follow both showmen and leaders.

Showmen will get you excited but eventually leave you when their personal agenda changes. Leaders care about helping the customer and growing their team. They are in it for the long run.

As a small business owner, are you more of a showman or a leader? Why?