Today is Father’s Day (Happy Father’s Day to my own dad). Being a father is one of the most challenging and rewarding things I do every day. Sometimes the responsibility and the reward don’t balance out but I would not trade the experience for any other.

I was fortunate enough to be at our beach house with my family today and we snapped this shot near one of our favorite breakfast hangouts.

My wife, Sara had the boys prepare cards that each told me one thing they love about me:

Son #1: I will do anything to make him and his brother happy. (I am thinking, what does he need now?)

Son #2: When his iPhone is broken, I help him fix it. (I no longer have to wonder what the center of his world is)

The gift they want to give me for Father’s Day:

Son #1: 10 Tokens (he explained to me later that 100 tokens is the minimum level to redeem anything in his system :-)

Son #2: 50% off the fee he charges me to sell my books at speaking events when he comes with me! (he also told me this offer had an expiration date)

How was your Father’s Day?