I have always said that you can’t be all things to all people. A good article from brothers Dan and Chip Heath in this months, Fast Company talks about "If you want people to like you, first decide who needs to hate you". You need to decide what you stand for and let people decide if they will like it or hate it. This is not something you can control. Act with passion. As a speaker, I get alot of people that send me emails about how what I said made sense to me. I also get that infrequent email on how they hate what I said and hate me. I amazed how much they can hate me and not even know me. But hate and love are very close together on the impression scale and if they dislike me with intensity, then I must of touched something inside of them.
I have never been a big Dixie Chicks fan bit I love their song, "Not Ready to Make Nice" about back when the Iraq war started, they said they were ashamed that President Bush was from Texas. They received a huge backlash from their country fans. In this song, the Dixie Chicks can’t understand how what they say "could push someone so over they edge that they write that she better shut up and sing" or basically her life will be over…
I understand. I have received one of those emails…