American Idol was in Chicago today for Season 9 Auditions. Being a fan of the show, I decided to venture down to the United Center to see first hand what all the fuss was about.

I met alot of young people with two things: talent and passion. I asked many of the contestants after they exited the auditions how it went. All of them were disappointed they did not get the golden ticket (in fact these were the auditions for the SImon/ Paula/Randy/ Kara auditions) but still had enough passion and spunk to sing me their audition. The video of that to follow soon!

People always ask me what does it take to be successful in business. The same thing it takes to be successful in Amercian Idol- Talent, Passion, Luck and Timing.

Talent we are born with and can then train through long hours of hard work.

Passion is something that is inside us once we find that thing that really lights our fire.

Luck and timing is something that happens to us, but we can increase our chances by taking as many risks and trying as many times as we can to succeed.

Do you have the talent, passion, luck and timing to succeed?