In business, writing handwritten thank you notes and sending them by snail mail is a lost art. We now use the telephone, email, text messaging or instant messaging these days. It’s faster. But when I get a handwritten thank you note, I can’t help but be impressed.

We are currently researching a camp to send one of my sons to this summer. We are considering Camp Timberlane in Wisconsin and we went to an introductory meeting when some of the staff were in Chicago a few weeks back.

Days later, we received a note in the mail from the owner, thanking us for visiting with his staff. He mentioned my son by name and remembered specific details of what my son liked to do at camp. He suggested how his camp would meet these desires of my son. He offered his personal number if we had more questions.

I was impressed. There are alot of camp choices here in Illinois. The thank you note may have just tipped the scales in TImberlane’s favor!