Last night, I completed something I had been preparing for 6 years. I tested for my brown belt in Seido Karate. At 48 years old, as I advance in this art form, it becomes more demanding physically and more challenging emotionally. After the 3 hour test of performing various techniques, fighting, rolling, falling and breaking boards, you learn to quickly face your fears. I can’t remember the last time I was so nervous. I would much rather speak in front of 5,000 people, then do this test! I was nervous because I wanted to perform and execute what I had learned well. I wanted to show to myself that I could do it. I wanted to show to myself that I was up to the challenge.

I find in business, this is what it always comes down to. The financial success is rewarding since its the way we keep score, but in the end we want to know that:

1. We took a risk and faced our fears by taking a business action. Not waiting, not thinking, but doing something about it

2. Succeed or Fail, we want to feel that we did our very best. We were up to the challenge.

If we accomplish these two things, we can handle whatever comes next- we can bounce! and get another chance for more success.