I hate to fly but I do it every week. It’s the only way to get around the country into what I love which is to speak and work with other entrepreneurs. The flights are usually fairly not eventful and with enough good MP3’s on my tablet, I can get through almost anything. But today’s flight to Kansas City was difficult. I had forgotten my headset in my luggage and unfortunately I was sitting in the back of a plane. The area that I call the rumble seat. The bad storms between Chicago and Kansas City did not disappoint. There was even a few bumps that made everyone on the plane screen… fortunately the flight is only an hour, so in this case the terror was short lived.

When I traveled there’s only two things that I regret when the pilots gets on the loudspeaker. The first one is when he tells us that their appears the to be a smooth flight ahead and he’s turning off the fasten seat belt sign. outside. I noticed this is sure sign that the next five minutes we’ll have some pretty bad turbulence and he will end up turning on that fasten seat belt sign. The other one is before you take off where he asksthe flight attendants to remain seated throughout the entire flight and to suspend beverage service be caused the flight with a rough.. Ah, what anticipation!