And I thought I had seen it all…

On one of my recent flights , I found in Skymall magazine an advertisement for the Tootsie Tanner. Now this product is billed as “Unsightly sock lines will be a thing of the past”. Now here is a problem I never new that I had!

Apparently it is a mini foot tanning “bed” that gives your foot an “all over even tan”. (Exactly what I have been seeking). The ad also boasted that Eye protection was included…scary.

Only $169.95

Years ago, a couple of folks in Chicago had a entrepreneur’s web site called “Tanned Feet”. I asked them why they had this name..they felt the ultimate symbol of success was when you had the leisure time to spend so much time on vaction in sunny places that you had “tanned feet”.

Guess you can now fake success with a Tootsie Tanner!