Kristin Rae

I have a confession. I am addicted to buying from Amazon and have placed 76 orders in the last 6 months. But what most people don’t know, I order through Amazon from a lot of companies that I have never heard of. Not knowing their brand is never a stumbling block because I can go right to the reviews to see if I can trust this company. Also, buying through Amazon, I know I will get great customer service if something goes wrong, and I can typically get a refund.

What a lot of small business owners do not know is that Amazon is an excellent place to sell their products. More and more small businesses are using Amazon to gain customers and grow their companies.

Kristin Rae, a small business owner, designer and entrepreneur believes that Amazon has been the key to her success. She wanted to sell her products through big box retailers, but as start-up maker, her company was too small. This is a big problem for most new companies who get no reply from large retailers. They are only interested in a family of products that have a long sales track record.

To remedy this, Kristin turned to selling her brands through one of the biggest retailers in the world, Amazon. Over the last few years, she has been able to keep her staff small by outsourcing key operations to Amazon, which gives her business the opportunity to grow and expand. According to Kristin, Amazon not only brings traffic, exposure and sales, but can do the fulfillment of her products. Their online tool also gives her key metric data to identify prospects and customers.

Listen to her exciting success story on my radio show at 31:30.

Interested in having Amazon get your business more customers? Try their program here.