For small business owners, technology definitely has become easier over the last 5 years. User interfaces are more intuitive and friendly. With most applications now being used in the cloud, there is nothing that needs to be installed and migrations from one application to another happen less frequently. Most product websites have ample customer support, FAQs and chat offerings. However, there is still a need for an excellent IT firm in your small business with new hardware installations, data migration and when things just go wrong.
Here is how IT firms can still help:
New hardware Installations. Computer devices need to be replaced in your company and connected to your network of applications. A lot of users in any business are now remote which puts added pressure on getting this right the first time. It can still be complicated with each user having a slightly different device configuration and should be done by an IT expert to avoid future problems.
New application development. As much as most small businesses should use off the shelf applications, modifications sometimes need to be made for a specific environment. IT firms can customize it to make sure whatever you buy is perfect fit.
Data migrations in the cloud. With all the data for your company now stored in the cloud, many times it needs to be carefully migrated over to a new application or shared with other systems. An IT firm can make sure that it is done properly.
When things go wrong. Computers don’t always work. They break down or get locked up after being hacked by malware. This is when you need to bring in an expert to fix it (and to protect your network before this happens).
Experienced IT companies like Virtixit are a good choice. IT firms will be able to implement the best of breed solutions for your company and explain it in simple terms about how it all works. Instead of “doing it yourself”, the investment is typically worth it so you can focus on what you are good at to make money for your company.
Do you have an IT firm? How do you use them?
This post is sponsored by Nakturnal.