Even with the new law, I receive about 300 SPAM messages a day:-( 150 of them unfortunately are about watching the Paris Hilton video. I have seen it and it wasn’t that great, so don’t waist your 42 minutes. I choose not to use a fancy SPAM filter since there are many people that try to get in touch with me and I don’t want to miss any of those people. For the SPAM, the delete key is my friend.

But I was wondering how the SPAMMers come up with the SENDER names of people that are attached to these emails. Is there really a Blanca Michel, a Taylor Chafer, and a Melva Rocha? Or do they just make this stuff up? Do they use the name of someone they dislike? It does get scary when I get a SPAM from a made up name that is the same name as a person I know!