News item from Laptop Magazine:
“Twenty percent of people say they’re spending less time having sex because of the amount of time spent online or with other [technology]gadgets, according to a September 2007 survey conducted by advertising agency, JWT. The bliss that comes from interacting with technology and staying connected matched or in some cases, even replaced the pleasure of sexual arousal.”
In the same article, David Greenfield, a psycologist says that the brain is condition to go where there is a chance of a good result. “That’s why people check their email 20 to 30 times a day, because every once in a while you get one message that is really great!” He says that the chemical released when you check your PDA or laptop is the same as what is released during sex. “There is a release of dopamine, what is a neurotransmitter. It’s a pleasure chemical..people find themselves chasing that dopamine rush by checking their Blackberrys…”
What can I say? I feel the rush….too.
There a business opportunity in that…! :)
Mike- always has been…always will!
A theme I’m seeing is “connecting” and I think there are brain underpinnings as well. People want to connect. Lots of new and different ways to do it, but the brain is hardwired to pursue.
As a marketer, I’m interested in gender differences in this as well.