Listen to “#794 Why People are the Hardest (and Most Rewarding) Part of Small Business” on Spreaker.

On‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode‌ ‌of‌ ‌The‌ ‌Small‌ ‌Business‌ ‌Radio‌ ‌Show…‌ ‌

Segment 1 with Lisa Ealy starting at 0:00

Here is the hard truth; at the core of every thriving business are its people. But managing and leading people are also the hardest part of the business…and quite honestly one of the top reasons entrepreneurs sell their companies- the people wear them out!

Lisa Ealy is the CEO and Founder of Purple Squirrel Group and HR For Profit. Here is what we talked about:

  1. Unlocking Business Potential Through People: “You’ve often said that people are the core of every thriving business. Can you share some specific strategies or examples where focusing on the right people has transformed a business?”
  2. Crafting Custom Hiring Strategies: “HR For Profit specializes in custom hiring strategies. Can you walk us through the process of creating a hiring strategy that not only attracts top talent but also aligns with a company’s long-term goals?”
  1. Streamlining Onboarding for Success: “Onboarding is a critical phase for new hires. What are some key elements of an effective onboarding process that ensures new employees are integrated smoothly and start contributing quickly?”
  1. Scaling and Retaining Talent: “As businesses grow, scaling and retaining talent becomes crucial. What are some innovative approaches or best practices you’ve implemented to help businesses retain their top performers and maintain a high level of employee engagement?”
  1. Building Profitable Teams and Cultures: “Your mission includes building exceptional teams and cultivating outstanding cultures that drive profits sky-high. Can you share a success story where your strategies led to significant growth and profitability for a client?”

Matt Gardner on small business finances

Segment 2 with Matt Gardner starting at 14:22

Managing the finances of a small business for many people is a very part of their job. They were never taught how to manage money and probably don’t even balance their own check book. As a small business owner, how do you figure out the help you need inside and outside your company so you have the information you need to manage your company?

Matt Gardner is the CEO and Co-Founder of Hiline, a leading financial services firm that delivers scalable accounting, human resources, tax, and payroll services to growth-minded companies, small and midsize businesses, and non-profits. He is a Certified Public Accountant and earned his BS in Accounting from SUNY Oswego. His entrepreneurship also extends to hospitality as an owner of multiple restaurants, activity in commercial real estate, and as an angel investor in early-stage technology companies.

Here is what we discussed:

  1. Why do small biz owners stink at the numbers?
  2. Where should the financial education come from?
  3. What should companies know about financial operations and planning if it’s a new function for them?
  4. You’ve said FP&A (financial planning and analysis) can be a “game changer” for small businesses. What do you mean?

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