On the radio show today, we talked about the enigma known as Gen Y-ers (some call them the Millenials)- In business, how can baby boomers like myself attract, motivate and retain them Penelope Trunk said on the show last week- They look at working and careers differently than most of us.

My first guest was Anne Loehr who has been a small business owner since 1991. She has a very interesting background. Her experience includes owning and managing two highly successful hotels and a safari company in Africa whilst in the midst of 9/11, El Nino, political turbulence, violence and flash floods (when her safari camp literally floated down the river one night). She is the co-author of the award-winning book, “A Manager’s Guide to Coaching: Simple and Effective Ways to Get the Best Out of Your Employees”. Today many small businesses struggle with meeting the needs of Gen Y, so Anne creates workshops and keynotes on this important generation.

We talked about 1. How events have shaped different generations in the workplace today? 2. How a manager can effectively manage and motivate Gen Y-ers? Listen now!

My next guest was Dyana Valentine is self branded instigator who has come up with a process to help self-starters self-finish: one project at a time. Her passion is helping people make and maintain the connections they need to grow themselves and their businesses. She talked to me today about: 1. How to identify yourself as self starter or self finisher? 2. How Gen Yers get their Ya- Ya’s (as Dyana says) 3. Why some Gen Yers lose their Drive? Listen Now.

My last guest was a Gen Y-er, Katie Favazza at 23 who gave us her perspective on what motivates her and why she would rather have own business than work for someone else. Listen Now.

How do you retain, manage and make sure Gen Y gets their Ya-Ya’s in your business?