I interviewed Melissa Galt on my radio show today. She talks about growing and enjoying the whole of our lives. This is becoming increasingly important in these difficult economic times. I met Melissa a few years back at a National Speakers Association workshop in Florida. Melissa talks about what it is like to come from pretty famous stock of family members like Anne Baxter, Frank Lloyd Wright and Edith Head.

Melissa talks about how in order to improve our life we need to Dream Again- Don’t color in the lines. This was beat out of us at an early age. Get rid of the toxic people (if banks can get rid of their toxic assets, so can we….do you think the government will buy them?) She talks about trading a self-limiting “default” existence and an accidental career for an exuberant life and satisfying livelihood crafted “by design”. Melissa also talks about forgetting high tech. What we need now during these times are high touch!

Give a listen! You need a good pick me up!