On the radio today, I was proud to have Gail Blanke, is a world-class motivator and is president and chief executive of Lifedesigns, a company whose vision is to empower men and women to live truly exceptional lives. She has been “The Motivator” columnist in Real Simple magazine, is a contributor to Body+Soul, a Martha Stewart publication and appears regularly on CBS 2  Sunday Morning. Gail has written three other books, including Between Trapezes and In My Wildest Dreams, a New York Times bestseller. I loved Gail’s last book and quoted it 5 times in Bounce!

This is a good time to face our fears. We actually have no choice if we want to move forward during these economic times. With record unemployment, and financial instability, more people than ever before will find themselves in transition. Most of us are afraid of the in-between times-those stretches between jobs, between a past that is stifling our dreams and a future that is unknown. We are so reluctant to face uncertainty that often we cling to a view of ourselves that we know can never allow us to move forward. But what if we could learn to embrace this uncertainty and propel ourselves forward with a sense of adventure, rather than fear?

Gail helps us to do just that. She shows us that the “in-between” can be the best of times. In her book, “between Trapezes”  she offers a practical and inspirational guide that will enable us to let go without our safety nets beneath, and fly through life’s transitions with the daring of the circus trapeze artist.

Gail talks about:

1. Don’t try to fit in. Be intensely who you are? What are you the best at. Find your personal brand.

2. Find your own personal theme song to give you courage.

3. How to be the great editor in your life.

4. Use passion to find different viewpoints of your business.

5. Find people you can trust in your life- the catchers!

Listen now!