On the radio this morning, I had John Follis. As John puts it, he has been to the White House and the poor house. His agency was named one of 12 “ Best of New York” by the Advertising Club of New York. His  agency campaigns have received press in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Time, and Forbes . Six Follis campaigns are featured in college textbooks while another is a Harvard Business School case study.

A business owner since 1986, John is President of Follis LLC, which offers marketing therapy for businesses with limited budgets.

Today, John and I talked about what small businesses can do for marketing during these troubled times.

He discusses some of his Follis Facts:

#2 It’s always better to attract than to chase.

#3 Great marketing will make a bad product fail faster.

#6 It’s better to upset people than to bore them.

#10 No one gives a damn about your product unless you give them a reason to.

Listen to John now!