Ashley Merryman with Po Bronson

On Business Insanity Talk Radio Today, I talked with Ashley Merryman who wrote an award winning book with Po Bronson called NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children(affiliate link).  We talked about:

1. How esteem building does not lead to achievement in your adult business life.

2. How you behave in preschool influences what you will achieve in business.

3. What your children really want from you as a business owner!

Listen now!

Rebel Brown

My next guest was Rebel Brown who consistently challenges the status quo – whether it’s to deliver optimum solutions and high velocity growth for her clients and readers or in her own personal life.  Her book, Defy Gravity: Healing Beyond the Bounds of Reason(affiliate link) is a guide to finding and capturing your best opportunities for sustainable, profitable growth.

We talked about:

1. The way we’ve always done it is the reason for the mess we’re in.

2. Market leaders soar because they continuously and consciously adapt.

3. How not to be the barnacle on other people’s wallets.

Listen now.