Russell Bishop

On my Business Insanity Talk Radio, Huffington Post Columnist, Russell Bishop talks about his just released book, Workarounds That Work and how to get around and through anything that gets in your way.  This becomes even more critical for small business owners who are moving faster and faster.  We discussed:

1. One question to ask your employee to get them to find solutions and work arounds.

2. How you frame the problem is the problem.

3. How employees do things for their reasons, not yours.

Listen now!

My next guest, Ryan Abood grew his family’s business, Chalifour’s Flowers, Gift and Gourmet, by expanding into Internet sales which led to the creation of  We talked about:

1. Why you need to resist making investments in your business, but when you do…get the best.

2. How listening to your customers will grow your business.

3. How to grow a small regional family business into a national company.

Listen Now!

Finally, Rob Wilson from Employco talked about what small businesses need to do to prepare for the changes in the Health Care Laws that start to take effect this year.