We all learn from a lot of great leaders.  People we can truly identify with and help our businesses be better.  One of those leaders is Mark Sanborn.  I have had the fortunate opportunity to read all of his books and see him speak on many occasions.

Mark is dedicated to developing leaders in business and in life.  He is an international bestselling author and noted authority on leadership, team building, customer service and change. On the podcast, we talked about:

1. Fred, the mailman and how he creates added value for customers.

2. How true leadership is not a function of title but developing power with people.

3. How to give a remarkable performance in anything you do.

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I also talked to John Warrillow. He has started and exited four companies throughout his career as an entrepreneur.  Most recently he transformed Warrillow & Co. from a boutique consultancy into a recurring revenue model subscription business, which was acquired by The Corporate Executive Board  in 2008.  John released Built To Sell: Turn Your Business Into One You Can Sell.  We talked about:

1. How to create a company that is valuable to sell.

2. How to determine if you are a small business owner home run hitter or an on base hitter (both are good).

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