I stumbled across Karyn Greenstreet (love her name) when she began recommending my books to her clients. She is a self employment expert and small business coach and runs a company called Passion For Business.
I love what her site says: “There’s no greater personal challenge or joy than working at your highest potential and living your dreams. Being a self employed small business owner allows you to do that”

She wrote a kind reveiw of the book:

“FINALLY — someone who tells it like it is! Kudos to Barry Moltz and his book You Need To Be A Little Crazy. I work with self-employed people all day and I can tell you that Barry has hit the nail right on the head with his advice and stories about creating your own business. Just when you think all is hopeless, Barry offers humor and stories that will inspire you to go ahead and start your own business, but he lays it on the line: it’s not going to be easy and there’s no guarantee of success. The real key, I believe, is Barry’s identification that passion – as well as a sound plan and good finances – are really the keys to making it happen in business. The best parts of the book are when Barry shares his own stories and you get a first-hand glimpse into the ups and downs of his own businesses. After reading Barry’s stories and ideas, and the other first-hand accounts in the book, you’ll come away with a fresh, insightful perspective on being an entrepreneur. I recommend this book to all my clients as “must do” homework.”