I spoke at a wonderful event last night hear in Anchorage sponsored by Alaska Pacific University. Part of the crowd was students using the book as a text in Rick Wolk’s entrepreneurship class. The other part were entrepreneurs and financial leaders in the community. The Petroleum Club was quite elegant.

It is always great when I speak in another part of the country and they still can relate to the book. It is reaffirming when they say that their entrepreneurial journey has been similar to mine.

I asked why many of the people ended up in Alaska. It seems that many have the love of the outdoors like the woman, Jessica I met who moved here from LA.

The questions included how hard it is in Alaska for entrepreneurs, but that there is a culture of self-reliance so that may make it easier for start up businesses here then in the lower 48 states. I think this was especially interesting for the journalist that attended from the Anchorage Daily News. He published a great story on the front page of the business section.