I traveled back from Atlanta yesterday to Chicago, had three business appointments, changed clothes and boarded a 6:00 flight to Anchorage. At the beginning of the flight, the pilot said that the weather in Anchorage was 48 degrees- 20 degrees warmer than Chicago!.

The 6 hour flight passed quickly with the portable digi-players you can rent onboard that have about 20 movies and 100’s of songs on them. I struck up a great conversation with one of the flight attendants who chronicled his career as a stockbroker, software developer and then worker at the Prudhoe Bay oil pipeline.

It is a long way up here. I did not realize that it takes only 6 hours from Anchorage to get to Honolulu or Tokyo by air.

I played the role of the tourist today before my presentation tonight. I loved the idea that there is no sales tax here. It was weird for the sun not to come up until 8:30 and it already low in the sky by 2:00 PM. But the people are very laid back with not alot of cell phone use out on the street like in Chicago. It was so warm today (45 degrees) that I saw people without coats and short sleeve shirts!