Do you accomplish things based on what you have to get done (Task) or based on the time that you have to complete them? (Time). I never really thought about this much until a friend of mine moved from the city to a farm. She told me that where she would consider a task complete based on the time that she had when she was in the city, now, at the farm, she works at a task until it is complete.

This got me thinking…if I had more time to complete a task would I do it better? Do I do a task until it is really complete or good enough based on the time that I have? When we bought a beach house last year without cell or internet access, I found doing work around the house took longer to complete and I actually enjoyed it more! Without the time limit to get something complete, I could do it for however long I liked and to the level of completeness I wanted to. In the end, it felt a lot more relaxing and fulfilling.

In addition, I could truly strive for minimal achievement– by focusing on the task at hand only without all the other multi-tasking distractions. How much are you able to focus on task rather than time?