I will go on 100 flights this year. Most of these will be on American (I am nearly a Million Mile flyer).This is not something I am proud of but if I want to speak in front of people, the airplane is a part of the journey. On a recent flight from Washington DC, the flight attendant got on the intercom saying that they had very few diet drinks. He further went on to say that it was catering’s fault and that he had nothing to do with it. "They had been screwing up alot lately". This did not make me feel warm and fuzzy about American’s customer service.

When there is bad service, I do not like when people pass the blame. If we are part of an organization that "screwed up", then we need to share the responsibility. Don’t pass the personal blame to someone else. Like it or not, we are part of that chain of bad service.

On exiting the plane, I explained this to the flight attendant. He said, "It’s not my fault..this is what they told me to say!"