National Dialogue on Entrepreneurship selected the book as one of its best holiday reads. Their review:

“The title says it all. Barry Moltz offers a no-holds barred look at what it’s really like to start your own business. Moltz is a serial entrepreneur who now helps head up the Midwest Angel Network Association. He’s lived both the upside and downside of entrepreneurial ventures, and his book tells those stories-warts and all. Early in the book, Moltz quotes a job advertisement used by Ernest Shackleton, the famous arctic explorer: “Men wanted for Hazardous Journey, Small Wages, Bitter Cold, Long Months of Complete Darkness, Constant Danger, Safe Return Doubtful, Honor and Recognition in Case of Success.” For Moltz, that says it all. If you want to start a business, don’t expect it to be easy. But it will be enlightening-and that’s the key message you’ll find in the journey that this book covers”