My book in Chinese finally hit the market. I received an email from a Chinese Entrepreneur that read it:

"I just finished reading your Chinese Version Book ‘You Have to Be a Little Crazy’, it’s an amazing helpful book for me.When I reading your book, I was feeling you were friendly talking to me face to face, and just considered that it seemed a cusomized bussiness book for myself. I’m a young Enterpreneur in China, running a one year old small  company, during the past one year, I met many problems, most of problems have been decriptions on your book. After reading, I made up my mind to try to bravely resolve all of my problems without delaying.Thanks very much, I was really appreciated the kind spirit help for my and for all Enterpreneurs like me in the world. I’m looking forward to hearing from you one day in future, although it seems i may proberbly will never received your response."

He was surprised when I wrote back!