Today, I have a shameless self promotion! (why should today be different :-)

I announced the entrepreneurs’ conference, Growing Your Business Like Crazy! that I am leading on October 21, 2004 in Chicago.

Does this sound like you?

You have customers in a business that you are working hard to build. Your courage and resiliency are challenged as you ride the weekly rollercoaster up and down. It’s hard to find the right people to put on your team in order to effectively grow your business. You struggle to balance your work and personal life. You hate to cold call. You need to find other ways to bring new customers to your business and grow relationships you already have. You know that your networking is “notworking”.

I have lined up some great speakers that like Jackie Huba, Melissa Giovagnoli and George Ludwig. I have designed this as a three part conference.

1. Individual consultations with me so we can target your needs at the conference
2. The conference at Catalyst Ranch- a wild meeting place in Chicago
3. Post Conference Call in November to follow up on issues

Come! Bring a friend and get 10% off. Register before the September 15, 2004 deadline!