I almost never say this about the business books I read, but Fire Someone Today is a must read for every entrepreneur. I could have written this book myself since my advice is so close to Bob’s. Many times I thought Bob was speaking directly to me about my experience.

Bob starts out the book by saying:

“This book is not intended to be inspirational. It is intended to be useful. It is not full of …step by step how to advice. If you want to be told that if you dream it, you can do it, get another book…This book is about what to do, what not to do and why…Names and details about many people who appear in this book have been changed to protect the innocent. And the guilty.”

Bob fulfills the promise ten times over. My favorite chapters:

  1. Fire Someone Today. I believe we are all too quick to hire and too slow to fire. Bob says that if you think you want to fire someone, do it today. Don’t put it off. It’s bad for you, your business, and the other employees. Not firing someone is a selfish act

  2. You are the Reason You Are in Business. Bob correctly says that your hands should be wrapped around the heart of your business and everything should have your fingerprints.

  3. Nobody Loves Your Baby Like You. Bob states that every employee is in it for themselves and their own goals. This is okay. You need to find employees whose goals overlap your company goals.

  4. Cash Is King. I loved when Bob said that if there was a poem about business it would be called “odes to cash”. Cash is survival. As Bob says, cash is the only thing a business eats. It is the only thing that can be exchanged for food!

  5. You Can Always Find 5%. Bob says that you can always reduce your expenses by 5% or find 5% more revenue.

  6. Buy Lunch. Bob follows the adage they I always use. Who should you buy lunch for? Everyone.

Fantastic book- A Must Read if you run your own business!