I had forgot how quickly television and the media moves. With the new book, Bounce! I am doing more television. I taped a segment for First Business today in Chicago on what we need to survive and prosper in a recession. I arrived at the station at 10:00 AM to record my segment.  I met the host, Beejal Patel and was escorted to the set. I was “mic-ed up” and then she started to ask 5 or 6 relevant questions….and that was it. Beejal thanked me and escorted me to the lobby. I looked at my watch- 10:12 AM. Wow! That was fast.

I guess I always imagine that my television appearances will be like Oprah or Jay Leno where I am sitting on “the couch” and when we have to break away for commercial the hosts says, “Barry, this is fascinating. Can you stay and talk with us a little longer”. So far, only in my dreams.