Most people know that I am not a fan of books with numbers in their titles. For Kandias Conda’s book, Make $1,000 in 35 Days, I made an exception. In fact, I wrote the preface for the book. Kandias is on the staff of where I am a board member, The Illinois Institute of Entrepreneurship Education. In fact, I am speaking at their annual conference on Saturday where 500 high school students learn and practice entrepreneurship for 3 days. This is a big issues since Staples reports that 40% of kids age 8-21 want to start their own business.

What I like about Kandias’ book is teen entrepreneurs do need more guidance and a path to get where they want to go. They need more guidance. Sometimes in this world we have far too many choices. It can get very confusing. Althought there are no 5 steps, Kandias gives teens a detailed roadmap for the first 35 days . Sometimes the hardest part is starting and knowing where to begin. It allows you to test drive being an entrepreneur to see if you have the passion to succeed.