Today was one of those miserable travel days. A day that no one should try to fly out of Chicago. I was delayed in an airplane for 7 hours on the ground!

But when I finally got to my destination, I did meet a woman who epitomizes Bounce! Barbara (not here real name) is 63 years old and was close to retirement. She had her money in a “safe” investment- a large insurance company named, AIG. In this economic downturn, she proceeded to lose her job and her savings. She became so distraught that she stopped eating for two weeks and went on medical leave for stress syndrone for three months. When I met her, she had finally bounced! She had a new job at a higher salary. She was saving her money again and feeling she was once again enjoying life.

I told Barbara how proud I was of her – if she can Bounce! so can we….even after a miserable day.