Bounce! is finally available on Amazon and Barnes and Nobles.  It will be available at your favorite local bookseller by month end. I have a special offer if you buy Bounce! now.

For each book you buy it before Jan 31, you will also receive one of the following:

Free audio version of Bounce! due to be released in March 2008 OR

A copy of the audio to my first book, “You Need to Be A Little Crazy: The Truth about Starting and Growing Your Own Business” for the discounted price of $12. (40% off)

Buy more than one book, you will also receive the following additional free offers:

Buy 5 books for you, your company and your friends, receive an official orange Bounce! rubber band ball plus the offer above (Free or discounted audio).

Buy 10 books, and you will receive a copy of “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Business Plans” by Gwen Moran and Sue Johnson. This is the book where I wrote the preface and stated that “Business plans are meaningless!”. You will also receive the offers above.

Buy 15 books, The Attractor Factor by Joe Vitale. I met and heard Joe speak this past summer in San Diego and he is amazing. He is featured in The Secret, and he has a new TV show, Expect Miracles. He provides a great blurb for the book on the front cover! You will also receive the offers above.

Buy 25 Books, and you will receive a one hour consulting phone call with me. You will also receive the offers above.

Just email me at barry at moltz dot com or fax me your receipt at 773 345 0522 and your free gifts will be on their way!