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No one wants to admit it but we are in a recession. We need to redouble our efforts especially in the sales area. We need to be more aggressive since our close rate may be lower. It may be more difficult to find the people that need what we are selling.

My philosophy around selling has always been consistent with what I learned when I took training a long time ago. Find the people in pain and the people that have the money to solve that pain. My guest today was an expert at selling and is here to help us as we head into the 4th quarter.

George Ludwig specializes in helping clients like Johnson & Johnson, Abbott Laboratories, and Northwestern Mutual, improve salesforce effectiveness and performance. George’s the bestselling author of Power Selling: Seven Strategies for Cracking the Sales Code and is a widely recognized authority on sales success and peak performance psychology.

George and I talk about:

1. Why people really buy

2. How you get over your fear of selling

3. What selling “rituals” can help you

4. How to better manage your sales time

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