This day, September 11th will always be a memorable day. On days like this, we always ask each other..where were you? Other generations have the end of WWII, John Kennedy or Martin Luther King being shot. We have 9/11.
I remember where I was 5 years ago. I was chairman of a small consulting company. Some of the employees had asked me to meet for breakfast that morning. They were staging a ‘coup" against the CEO of the company. After they aired their problems, we all went back to the office to hear the news of the WTC being hit. Our issues seemed pretty small after that….
I asked the same question. I think we’re all asking it today.
I was in college. I remember my roommate waking me, “Get up. You have to see this.”
I live in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I might have had a different perception about 9/11 because I could not feel being personally attacked, as Americans may have.
I remember telling myself that the world will never be the same though.
I too had a board meeting that day that was first cancelled because the biggest buildings in Montreal were evacuated just in case. We decided to hold the meeting in the evening instead. The company was a startup in software solutions for the travel industry. Since there were not many resources invested yet, I proposed to wait and put all projects aside because the travel market might fall for a few months. They did not believe me, said I was too quick. I stepped down. I am sorry to report I was right. I hate being right in those cases.
But all that being said, I remember vividly where I was and how I felt on that day.