and that is good news…

I recently signed up with Twitter last month to connect with people in a different way. My emails are always prompt and short, so saying something in 140 characters or less fits me.

I have steadily getting followers this month (over 500) but I finally got the email that all Twitters wait for- “Robert Scoble is following you”! Wow, the man that is one of the top twitters in the world (besides Barack Obama who has 215,000 followers) has more than 53,000 followers (he is in the top 12- I am 25,575th!). yes, I know that he also follows 52,852 people but still I feel special.

Why is he so famous? He is one of Microsoft’s top evangelists and writes a top rate blog.

I am not sure yet exactly how Twitter fits into my business and brand strategy (Chris Brogan has tried to teach me), but I know I have enjoyed getting to know an entirely new set of people and I keep learning from the wisdom they provide me on a daily basis.