I spoke on Friday at the Business Awards dinner at Schoolcraft College. I never had heard about the college until they invited me to speak at this dinner. It is a two year college of 24,000 students outside of Detroit. The students I met came from a diverse background of experience and ages.

When I was there, I learned about their new academic forgiveness program which I thought really allowed students to Bounce! If a student is returning after 10 years between the last time they went to school, they can exclude one semester or 12 credit hours from their go forward grade point average (GPA). This is a great way to allow returning students you want another chance at academic succss to be able to bounce- and be given another chance at success. I think this is truly innovative. Are other schools doing this?

As always, I asked Schoolcraft how they bounce:

[youtube width=”425″ height=”355″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QtGdvIUK7w[/youtube]