Here are the top questions that small business owners are asking this year in 2024:

How do I find the people I need for my business?

There is still a war for talent now although easier than 2023. Unemployment is at 4%. Find how to get them to choose you selecting people’s goals that match your company’s goals.

How do I retain the people I need for my business?

The Great Resignation is making turnover at your company significant and making it difficult to run your company. Here is how to retain the people you want and insure they remain at your company.

 What do I do about all the prices going up to run my business?

Everything costs more. Now is the time that you have to raise prices to your customers to make sure you can still make a profit. Listen to what Keewa Nerullah has to say.

What do I need to know about AI in my business?

If you are not using AI in your business, you are behind. Listen to how John Lawson says we should be using it!

Is it the right time to sell my business?

If it has been a boom year for your company, it may be the time the time to sell. Here is what you need to know before you start.

Can I trust the economy and the GDP to keep growing?

We all expected a recession, but it never came. Can I make the investments in my business as if the good times are here for 2024 and there will be solid customer demand? Indicators seem to point that the Federal Reserve is done raising interest rates but I have no idea.

How will the presidential election influence the success of my company?

All eyes will be focused again on the presidential election this year. I believe that the economy will slow down 90 days within Election Day as the country pauses to see what will happen.

What are your biggest questions for 2024? I may not have an answer, but I will have a point of view!