I met Phil Courtney of Urban Bear Marketing in New York a few months back at a Company of Friends Meeting where I moderated a panel. Phil was kind enough to post a review of the book and said:
Barry validated what many other people already knew. Some didn’t want to hurt my feelings, others were too polite to mention it, and others told me every chance they had that there was no job security, there was no guaranteed paycheck, there was no career path and there was no future!
Then again, it could be that Barry and I are equally crazy and because of this we are both unable to recognize the difference. In his book, he did a great job of placing the emotional-psychological-passion-dilemma-drama-goalsetting-time-consuming-and everything else mindset of running your own business into perspective. And frankly, if you don’t know what I just wrote then you’re probably not mentally equipped for running your own business.
Take a click through to visit Phil.