I get alot of referrals to people where I would like to use their services. Most of the time they respond, sometimes they do not. I have no expectations. If you do not know me, you have no obligation to get back to me.

I was looking for a new PR company to help me with the promotion of my book, Bounce! and I was referred to Mark Fortier who runs his own company, Fortier Public Relations. He has had alot of success promoting business books. At 11:30 PM at night, I sent him an email with the person referring me in the title. Within 5 minutes, he gets back to me, thanks me for contacting him but then says he is sorry but he is booked for the next 6 months with projects. He expressed a desire to stay in touch. We exchanged a few more emails over the next 5 minutes.

The amazing part about this story is that here is a business person who does not know me and does not need my business at this point in time AND he still found time to return my email in a timely fashion and begin to build a relationship. This left a huge impression on me and I will definitely remember him for my next book.

It also gets me wondering why some people that I know or clients I have can’t get back to me in a timely fashion. I explored this a fews years ago in an article I wrote called, This is Barry Moltz Returning Your Call.