Last year, I did 5 internet radio shows to try my hand as a host rather than a guest. The first one is about building angel groups with James Gershwiler, Chairman of the Angel Capital Association and Bill Payne, Entrepreneur In Residence at the Kauffman Foundation
Topics we cover:
How did you originally get involved in working with Angel organizations?
When angel organizations around the country get together for Angel Capital Association events, its seems to me to be a little like the continental congress…each state or city doing a bit of a different things…can all these models be effective? And how do effective models vary?
What are the differences between manager-led and member-led angel organization?
How do you determine which angel model works for a community?
What are the most effective models?
How do Bill’s (member-led) and Jame’s (manager-led) groups actually work?
How do committed side car funds work in angel groups? What are they? Are they necessary for an angel group to succeed?
Can you give us some angel group success stories? Of horrible failures?
How do you measure the success of your angel groups?
What are issues people encounter when trying to choose the right format?
Are there a lot of turnover in angel groups (Members coming and going)?