I am a Chris Brogan fan. His daily writing seems to talk directly to me. In his new book, “The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth”, he writes a manifesto of entrepreneurship for the rest of us. It includes:
1. Admit you are a freak. Do business on your terms. Follow your passion.
2. Define success for yourself. For me, it’s being able to support my family at something I love doing.
3. Learn a new skill. Take joy in improving your weaknesses.
4. Have a disciplined routine to be productive. This is necessary in always on, 24/7 culture.
5. Fall in love with not knowing. This is what having your own business is definitely all about.
6. Look forward to obstacles. There is satisfaction in overcoming them.
As I read through the book, I kept saying, yes and yes. Chris knows who you are and knows how to help!