Fortunately, Life Does Give Us Mulligans

There is a wonderful strange tradition in golf. I don’t think it is part of the official rules. Well, I know its not. A mulligan is where you “pretend” that first bad shot you hit into the woods or into a sand trap did not really happen. Forget about it! It’s a complete do-over. The golfer tees […]

By |November 3rd, 2008|Business, Small Business|Comments Off on Fortunately, Life Does Give Us Mulligans

How the Master Champion Bounces!

I watched some of the Masters Golf Tournament yesterday. It was mostly to watch Tiger Woods come from behind to beat the rest of the field…but he didn’t. Trevor Immelman won from South Africa. What is most interesting about Immelman, who had won another recent major golf tournament, the 2006 Western Open is that he […]

By |April 14th, 2008|Small Business|Comments Off on How the Master Champion Bounces!