An Economic Recovery Coming Soon to A City Near You

The government says the recession is over. Ask any business owner or consumer and they will give you a different answer. There are still very few jobs and even less credit to buy homes or expand your business. in most of our minds, the Great Recession is still alive and kicking!

The recovery will come in […]

By |November 16th, 2009|Small Business|Comments Off on An Economic Recovery Coming Soon to A City Near You

What I Remember Before the Great Recession

As my children come of age during this Great Recession, I sometimes whimsically remember things that were before the current economic mess:

Do you remember when banks used to lend money to businesses?

Do you remember when you could get more than a 2% return on your money at banks?

Do you remember when your 401K use […]

By |May 6th, 2009|Business|Comments Off on What I Remember Before the Great Recession