Do We Need a New Keyboard?

People have been using the Qwerty keyboard (the keyboard you’ve been using on typewriters, your computer, and now your phone) for 100 years, but now there’s a new keyboard in town: the KALQ. According to Natasha Lomas in Techcrunch, this new keyboard will increase the ease and speed of thumb typing, which is […]

By |September 13th, 2013|Sales and Marketing|Comments Off on Do We Need a New Keyboard?

Is the Blackberry Obama’s Achille’s Heel?

Newsweek had a great article last week that was questioning the merit of letting President Obama keep his Blackberry:

So while legions of BlackBerry fans cheer Obama’s success in keeping his, insisting it makes users more productive and connected, experts in cognitive psychology and in human-machine interactions who study pop-ups, e-mail alerts, calendar reminders and […]

By |February 15th, 2009|Business|Comments Off on Is the Blackberry Obama’s Achille’s Heel?


I finally made the big switch to the iPhone. I have absolutely hated the T-Mobile Dash since I purchased it a year ago. I was trying to stay with T-Mobile and get on a Windows platform when I bought the dash last year. It is probably the worst piece of technology I have […]

By |August 10th, 2008|Business, Sales and Marketing|Comments Off on iHappy