#536 Are You Making These Mistakes When You Negotiate?

On this episode of The Small Business Radio Show…

SEGMENT 1: If you are going to be an entrepreneur, one of the (many) things you have to get good at is negotiation. But the startup environment is different from other business environments and this impacts the entrepreneur’s ability to negotiate. Here to sort it all out […]

By |June 3rd, 2019|Small Business Radio Show|Comments Off on #536 Are You Making These Mistakes When You Negotiate?

#439 Former Chicago Cub Adam Greenberg Shares How to Get Up: The Art of Perseverance



On this episode of Business Insanity Talk Radio, we first talk about perseverance and if there’s ever a person who epitomizes perseverance, it’s former Chicago Cub Adam Greenberg who shares his story in our first segment. Then, if my experience has been any guide, there are a […]

By |July 26th, 2017|Small Business Radio Show|Comments Off on #439 Former Chicago Cub Adam Greenberg Shares How to Get Up: The Art of Perseverance

#424 Fashion Entrepreneur Sarah Shaw Reveals How to Get Your Products to A-List Celebrities to Boost Sales

products and celebrities


On this episode of Business Insanity Talk Radio, we first talk about how to utilize celebrities as part of your marketing strategy with very little cost involved. Then, we’ll show you where to start in deconstructing an industry like Uber did with taxis and Netflix […]

By |April 5th, 2017|Personal Productivity, Small Business Radio Show|Comments Off on #424 Fashion Entrepreneur Sarah Shaw Reveals How to Get Your Products to A-List Celebrities to Boost Sales