#519 What Does Love Have to Do with Sales and Marketing?

On this episode of The Small Business Radio Show…

Writing copy associated with your business is so critical, whether it’s the latest marketing piece, copy on your website, or a blog post or a letter thanking a customer. Copy is all part of the brand story you are consistently telling your customer. We show you why […]

By |February 2nd, 2019|Small Business Radio Show|Comments Off on #519 What Does Love Have to Do with Sales and Marketing?

A New Solution to Run Every Small Business

Small businesses always struggle with the right combination of software to run their company. Here are the questions that typically come up:

  • How do I manage projects internally where I have freelancers collaborating with me?
  • How do I manage all my business contacts and know when to follow up with prospects?
  • How do I manage my invoices for […]
By |June 18th, 2012|Small Business|Comments Off on A New Solution to Run Every Small Business