Forget Politics and Sports, We Will Compete at Anything

I am becoming more of a documentary fan. Recently, I watched Seth Gordon’s King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. It is about people that try to set records of old style video games that I grew up on. Once upon a time, these games only appeared in bars, restaurants and arcades as stand […]

By |February 16th, 2008|Entrepreneur, Personal Productivity, Small Business|Comments Off on Forget Politics and Sports, We Will Compete at Anything

Put Down That Cell Phone And Give Me Crazy Customer Service

On another rant…

I get tired of competing with the person’s personal cell phone when I either am waiting to order at a fast food counter or in a small convenience store. Tonight, I went to Cosi to get a sandwich. The person taking my order, graciously put down his cell phone to take my order (I […]

By |December 16th, 2007|Customer Experience, Customer Service|Comments Off on Put Down That Cell Phone And Give Me Crazy Customer Service